OpenPlant Modeler Help

Create Annotation Label - Display Style tab

Used to set leader type and display style for the annotation label.
Leader Type Sets the type of leader. Can be set to either Base line or Center line. If set to No Leader, the leader settings disable.
Leader Start Sets the start point of the leader —line, arrow or circle.
Start Size Sets the size of the leader start.
Leader Color Sets the color to leader line.
Leader Offset Sets the offset distance for leader from the leader start.
Horizontal Offset Sets the lateral offset distance for the leaders start from the object.
Orientation Sets the orientation for the annotation label. Options available are Gr, U, O and when no leader type is set, orientations variations
Vertical Offset Sets the vertical offset distance for the leaders start from the object
Line Space Sets the line spacing for the annotation text.
Rotation Grid Sets the rotation angle for grid lines.
Object Scale Sets the dimension of the object line attached at the leader end.
Leader Inverse When checked, the inverts the leader line.
Flip Leader Automatic When checked, flips the leader line automatically with object position.
Reset Resets the style to text insert defaults.